


If I think of a single word to describe how I’m feeling going into 2021, that word would be hope. I am hopeful for a lot of things this year. Hope for new learning experiences, hope for a practicum filled with challenges and growth for me and my fellow classmates, hope for the world to have a better year than the last.

We all can agree that 2020 was full of obstacles and speed bumps that we all had to learn to overcome together. The challenges we faced had never been encountered before, and we had to work together to figure out a solution. My hope for this year is that we take from those experiences the value of community. I am hopeful that we continue to appreciate the importance of working together towards a common goal.

I am hopeful for all I will learn in this upcoming practicum. I am excited for the opportunity to experience another school where new connections can be made with students and staff. I am hopeful that I will receive incredible support from my peers like I did last practicum, even if that support must be virtual. My fellow classmates and I have build a wonderful foundation of friendship through our shared experiences in this teacher education program. We all experienced setbacks and hiccups that brought us closer together and I am hopeful that the bonds we have formed will carry all of us through to graduation together.

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